Electronic repeat dispensing (eRD)

You can get your repeat medicines from your nominated pharmacy.


How does Electronic Repeat Dispensing work?

You can obtain your repeat medicines from your nominated pharmacy at appropriate intervals without having to contact the surgery to order your prescription. Your prescription will automatically be sent to your nominated pharmacy.

What you need to do

Put a request through online through our online service or you can email your request to us at enquiries.brightonstationGP@nhs.net. Alternatively you can go to your nominated pharmacy when you need more medication, or contact them by phone if you usually have your medicines delivered. The pharmacist will ask you some questions when you collect your medication to check there have been no changes and that your medicines are still needed. If you have had a change in your medication by the hospital or a specialist then please contact the surgery so that we can amend your prescriptions as soon as possible.

When do you contact the surgery?

After you have collected your last Electronic Repeat Prescription the surgery Pharmacist will need to review your medication before sending more electronic prescriptions to the pharmacy. At this point please ask your pharmacist what action needs to be taken before further supplies of electronic repeat prescription are made. For example you may need a blood pressure check, a blood test and or a review with the GP or nurse.

What about ‘as required’ medication?

Any medication that you take on a ‘as required’ basis will not be sent automatically and needs to be ordered by either yourself, your carer/relative or your Pharmacy.

If you have any questions about how Electronic Repeat Dispensing will work for you please take this letter to your nominated pharmacy and ask them to assist you. Alternatively you can contact the surgery and our practice pharmacist will be happy to discuss this with you.

 Important Notice

Relocation of GP Practice

Our Sexual Health services will cease to be available from 1st April.  We advise all Sexual Health patients to attend alternative services offered by Brighton Sexual Health & Contraception Services.  Locations and information can be found on their website brightonsexualhealth.com

All registered GP appointments will now be conducted from  Aspect House, 84 – 87 Queens Road. BN1 3XE (near the train station.) Our Boots concession has been relocated.

The Walk in Service is continuing to run as usual from Aspect House.