Patient information
We’re committed to providing our patients with the care they need at the right time, with the right clinician.

As a patient you can access some of your local healthcare services without visiting the practice. These include health and wellbeing advice alongside self-referrals for specific treatments.
Do you look after someone? Are you receiving everything you’re entitled to? When you’ve cared for an individual for a long time, are temporarily helping them (for example, while they recuperate from an operation), or have just become a carer, take the time to review your options and find out what support is available to you.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. If you are a carer, please let our team know. For more information on the support available to you, please visit:
Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove
Practice Plus is committed to providing accessible services for all levels of ability.
Our Brighton Practices are equipped with step free, wide, wheelchair friendly doors and the main front doors both include push button door control. We have a lower portion of our reception counter should you need it and a disabled toilets with emergency cords. All of our consulting rooms should be equipped to suit wheelchair users or those with mobility issues. Our services include baby changing facilities. We have a limited amount of bariatric chairs and beds. We also have a hearing loop on site. If you need access to signed appointments we can seek help from Action for deafness and patients are welcome to bring their own chaperones or interpreters. If you would like large print copies of any of our leaflets please ask the reception to print a large print version. If you are attending the registered GP practice inside the Boots store please be aware that we are on the first floor which is accessible to wheelchair users by lift. The Boots store has a lower pavement section and automatic doors.
In order to find disabled parking nearby Visit Brighton have produced the following map.
If you need to tell us about specific needs or if you need help please contact us.
Practice Plus is committed to providing an accessible website for all users. Please read our accessibility statement to find out more.
You have the right to request a copy of any information that we currently hold about you. Read more about your rights and how we handle your patient data and information.
Relocation of GP Practice
Our Sexual Health services will cease to be available from 1st April. We advise all Sexual Health patients to attend alternative services offered by Brighton Sexual Health & Contraception Services. Locations and information can be found on their website
All registered GP appointments will now be conducted from Aspect House, 84 – 87 Queens Road. BN1 3XE (near the train station.) Our Boots concession has been relocated.
The Walk in Service is continuing to run as usual from Aspect House.