Who can see my notes?

The sexual health service keeps confidential notes. These are kept separate from your general medical records.

Woman in consultation

Sexual Health Services will cease to be part of the Walk In Service on 1st April and we will not be able to help patients with their Sexual Health Needs

Anyone attending for Sexual Health will be directed to make contact with Brighton’s Sexual Health and Contraception Services (SHAC.)

Find out more about them, their locations, times and services available on their website https://brightonsexualhealth.com/

You can also call them on 01273 523388 Phone line opening times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:15am to 4:30pm. Wednesday 12:30pm to 4.30pm

Closure information PDF

The sexual health service keeps confidential notes. These are kept separate from your general medical records. We will not inform your GP of your attendance or share information which identifies you without informing you first. In circumstances where we believe either your safety or the safety of someone else is at risk we may share information with other professional agencies, but we will try to inform you before sharing this information.

 Important Notice

Relocation of GP Practice

Our Sexual Health services will cease to be available from 1st April.  We advise all Sexual Health patients to attend alternative services offered by Brighton Sexual Health & Contraception Services.  Locations and information can be found on their website brightonsexualhealth.com

All registered GP appointments will now be conducted from  Aspect House, 84 – 87 Queens Road. BN1 3XE (near the train station.) Our Boots concession has been relocated.

The Walk in Service is continuing to run as usual from Aspect House.